„Now we need to show our support for the European project“

„I am participating at the March for Europe because the EU is facing many challenges and now we need to show our support for the European project. We don’t need less Europe, we need more because Europeans problems require common, united European answers. EU for me means freedom, values. It means uniting people and cherishing our diversity and differences, not removing them.“

(I am writing this from a Youth Convention in France where I represent JEF Netherlands while living in Germany. This is the Europe I love and enjoy. This is why I am going to Rome to show my support for this awesome European project.)

Kirl Mitrov, 23, from Strumica, Macedonia

From now on, we’ll be regularly posting contributions from people who tell us why now is the moment they’ve chosen to start speaking up for Europe. Send us your contribution at www.theeuropeanmomnet.eu/en.

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