„We are EUROPEANS! And we shall never forget that“

„Everyone understands something when people talk about European identity. Let me tell you about my point of view. I was born in a small town in Slovakia. A country with traditional christian values, but I was one oft the lucky ones, who got to live abroad and get to know other cultures. I moved out of Slovakia at the age of 13, so, pretty early. Moved to a new country with dimensionally different opinions, my mind opened and I saw the flaws on my own birth land. I didn’t even notice when, but I lost the feeling of nationalism and it faded away more and more over the time I was traveling. At first it confused me, you naturally feel an obligation to your parents. At some point I reached the clarity and every time someone asked me: „Where are you from?“ the only answer, that I considered being truth was : „Europe“. And I am ready for fight for my identity, then we are not only people from France and Germany or Slovakia. We are EUROPEANS! And we shall never forget that.“

Veva Chmelárová​, 19, living in Berlin, originally from Tobolcany, Slovakia

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